A Toy Box to Ignite Imagination

We love encouraging imaginative play at our house. There is nothing better than walking into a room where kids are soaring with visions of the possibilities from the unimaginable. We have discovered a few toys that encourage imagination. Take a look into our toy box for the toys that ignite our imaginations!


Our animal collection is ever growing and animals are used in both realistic and abstract play. Our kids love to sort, create habitats and even use them as players in football games.


The Modern Dad

Cars are great for small motor skills. Some kids love cars, William has been the only one really into them in our home. He sorts them by colors, lines them up and drives them on our tracks. We have vintage cars from our childhood and random dollar store ones. Doesn’t matter where you get them, they are always a favorite.

Dress Ups

Dress ups are always fun to help promote imaginations. Some of our kid’s favorites are just hats that define their character. With Emily’s background in directing elementary school musicals, our kids are always acting out shows they see. Our dress up props are different than our Halloween costume collection. They are always out and available for creative play.

House Play

Whether it is playing house, pretend shopping or playing with dolls. Any type of play that imitates real life will ignite a child’s imagination.


I have love/hate relationship with Legos! I love that they will keep my kids entertained for hours but I hate the mess. We have found that our kids love making their own creations rather than the kits sold. They really just want the guys. So whatever road you take, just know that they really can promote creative play.


These are similar to Legos with not as many detached parts. Our kids live for the adventures they create with their guys and use them in any play structure we have, pirate ships, houses, castles or cars. Knights and pirates are the favorites in our home.

No matter how full your toy box is, children will not use their imaginations if they are not taught how. Check out this post on engaging imaginations in children.

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