Loud Kids in Church? This Will Help

Look, I am right there with the next person. When I am at church and the people behind me have kids being crazy, the kids next to me are jumping all over the place, and…

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Dairy Fast

Why is it that when a doctor tells you something you choose if you want to listen or not? I am pretty sure when I found out that I was lactose intolerant that was the…

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Ordinary to Extraordinary

I was able to meet up with these two amazing women this week. Amy and Susan are by far the hardest working entrepreneur women that I know. Not only that, but the second we got…

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One Step at a Time

I will be the first to say it, I can be lazy when it comes to cleaning. There, I said it. I know that I get on kicks where I have to make sure every…

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Reality Check: The Screamer

In church, my wife is now teaching the 7-8 year old kids. So I decided that I would take the baby so that she could focus on her class.

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