Birthday Week | It Sure Has Changed

Birthday week has always been one of the biggest celebrations for me. From traveling across the country to renting a car to go to Disneyland, I spare no expense when it’s birthday time. My it sure has changed! After having a family and settling down, my birthday has changed—a lot!

When I say I have had some pretty elaborate birthday’s I am not joking around. From Weekend trips to New York and taking a helicopter ride around the city to renting an Excursion and heading to Disneyland for the day. Birthdays were always such a fun time to celebrate me and my birth.

Birthday Week | It Sure Has Changed by The Modern DadBirthday Week | It Sure Has Changed by The Modern DadBirthday Week | It Sure Has Changed by The Modern DadBirthday Week | It Sure Has Changed by The Modern DadFor me, celebrating a birthday is celebrating that special person and doing anything and everything to make their day special. Yes, these were some pretty amazing birthdays, but I think this year my wife blew them all out of the water.

Fortunately with my work, I get every other Friday off. Because of that my wife decided we needed a staycation for my birthday weekend. We stayed at the hotel we stayed in for our honeymoon, went to a movie, dinner, lunch and all with no kids. We hadn’t spent a night away from our kids since our daughter was born, so this was much needed.

It’s funny because the entire time all we could do was think about the kids. We would text asking how they were doing quickly to be replied with, “Have fun, don’t worry!” It was the perfect stress free weekend.

I realized that maybe time away from the kids isn’t such a bad thing. It was a time we got to really sit and enjoy being together as a couple. We could think about what plans we had for our future and we got more sleep in that one night than we had in the past three years. IMG_0693

So what am I saying? A birthday doesn’t need to be the elaborate trips across the country or renting out an entire suite, but just being with the one you love. Honestly, happiness is the best birthday present I could have ever asked for.

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