We Brave Women | Giveaway

“As a kid, I was good at math, but by the time I was in high school, I’d stopped pursuing it seriously because I didn’t think it was what girls did. Two decades, and a 2 year old daughter later, I recognize that the world is a changing place for our women and girls, and I want to do my part in the evolution.” –Ashley, creator of We Brave Women cards.

When we found out we were pregnant I was absolutely thrilled, quickly followed by instant terror. Like I said before, there are a lot of crazy things happening in the world, how could I ever teach my kids what’s right when there is so much wrong? What kind of examples are there for them to look up to?

DSC_0971I came across We Brave Women cards as I was looking for products for an upcoming post I was thinking about. When I saw these cards I knew I needed to get my hands on some.

DSC_0954If you know anything about me you know that I love real stories. I love reading about people that have done amazing things. These cards did just that, and more!

DSC_0949We Brave Women cards provide you with a painted picture of the woman you may or may not have heard of, a bit of who it is on the front of the card and then you get a short story about them on the back. All the women in the stack are absolutely inspiring.

DSC_0952I love that Ashley has used women all over the board, from historical figures like Emily Dickinson, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Anne Frank.


You clearly can’t forget the current heroes, examples like Wilma Rudolph, Misty Copeland and Mother Teresa.

DSC_0967Reading their inspiring stories not only is interesting to me, but for my kids it gives me someone to tell them about and teach them a little bit. I know that if my daughter were to follow in the foot steps of any of these women I would be a proud father.

DSC_0969Not only are these stories good for my little girl, but they are also inspiring women for my son to learn about too.

DSC_0953Another great thing that Ashley did with these We Brave Women cards was she did images of women that are a group of people: immigrant, survivor of abuse and even yourself. She says, “You are brave in many ways.” How great that is to include the person that means the most, you!

As you know, when I love a product, I love giving one away. I have a set of cards to giveaway to one of my followers and here’s what you need to do:

  1. Follow both of us on Instagram: @birdsofashmae and @the_modern_dad
  2. Like the image posted for the giveaway.
  3. Tag all your friends for extra entries.

The winner will be picked Friday, July 22 at 9:00 AM (MT). Good luck and be sure to check out all the amazing products by Ashmae because her talent is absolutely amazing.

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