Repetition is Key to Success

This post is in collaboration with Chase Freedom Unlimited. All opinions are my own.

As I have been trying to make myself stronger and healthier, I have learned more about myself that doesn’t just have to do with fitness, but finances. What if I was able to learn that fitness would help me learn more about my finances? If I have made daily progress with my finances, along with my health, is that nuts?

Healthier, Financially

A friend sat me down and talked to me about how she has used her Chase Freedom Unlimited Card to get her finances in order. She set it up to have all her bills go directly to her card. This way she could put these automatic charges onto her card then pay them off when she got paid.

By doing this, she made sure everything was covered and earned back 1.5% cash back on each and every bill by using her Chase Freedom Unlimited card. These were purchases that she was making anyways, but now she earned cash back!

Repetitive Purchases

Every single month that gym membership payment is going to happen, right? Sometimes the 15th of the month, sometimes the 20th, and I completely forget. When I have something like this automatically go on my Chase Freedom Unlimited card I don’t worry. 

Then, when I get paid, I look at all the repetitive purchases that came out and pay them off. It’s simple, easy, and I am always earning on every purchase, bringing me one step closer to my goal of better living and healthy financial freedom with a cash back credit card.  

Gaining My Freedom

It’s happening. After 37 years, I have finally learned a way to stay healthy with my finances and life. Because my repetitive purchases are covered, I have been able to purchase some race entries, new workout clothes, and even a treadmill that I know will be useful when the snow starts falling around here.

But really, who would have thought that by working towards a healthy goal and getting myself to a better me, I would have also learned that having financial freedom is healthy too. I’ve become happier, less stressed about finances, and I couldn’t be more excited to continue my new healthy habits. 

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