General Knot Bow Ties

When I first started this idea, wearing bow ties for 30 days in a row without wearing the same ties, I knew that I needed to go out and buy some more, and even venture out…

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The Perfect White Dress Shirt

I get asked on a pretty regular basis where I get my white dress shirts for church? Honestly I am all about a fitted, white button up that makes you look fit, when really you’re…

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Favorite Pregnant Fashion Brands

I can only imagine how it it is to find cute, comfortable clothes when you are pregnant. I know that when I am eating dozens of Dunkin Doughnuts followed up with a five bucks hot…

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Giveaway: Me and Mommy Leggings

I believe in you… There are perhaps no more empowering words in the English language, yet how often do we hear those words? DeAnne Stidham heard them, and at a crucial time in her life. She…

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Men’s Valentine Gift Guide

Guys love to be treated well on Valentine’s Day too. I figured that I would post a Men’s Valentine gift guide so that we didn’t feel left out. Also letting you ladies know what us…

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