Breaking the CrossFit Myths

When you hear the word CrossFit what are the first things you think of? Crazy people throwing weights and other weird objects around? A bunch of people working out wearing basically nothing? People that have…

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CrossFit SpearHead | Family Friendly CrossFit

I have a new baby. I’m pregnant and CrossFit would be too hard. I am a new parent and don’t know if I have time to be away from my family to workout in general.…

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What Made Me Pick CrossFit

I will be the first to admit it, when a friend of mine asked me to do CrossFit, I laughed. You think I can do a pull-up? You think I want to throw some heavy…

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Done with the Dad Bod

As the holidays have come to an end and I look back at all the pictures that we took of the memories we had together I realized it’s time to get serious about being done…

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Fitness Tip: Swimming Playlist

Swimming has never been my favorite thing. I have the hardest time just looking at the tiles on the bottom of a pool and having a billion different things running through my head. I love…

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