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Worth the Toothaches and Cavities

I don’t know what it is, but I can try everything in the world and there is no getting rid of my sweet tooth. It seems likes every month has it’s own little holiday that…

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I {heart} Meatloaf

“Meatloaf, meatloaf, double crossing beatloaf. I hate meatloaf,” but the funny thing is, I don’t hate meatloaf. Continuing with birthday month my mom wanted to make a dinner that I would enjoy for family dinner…

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Dairy Fast

Why is it that when a doctor tells you something you choose if you want to listen or not? I am pretty sure when I found out that I was lactose intolerant that was the…

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Cooking Catastrophe

As my wife is sitting on the couch watching Jimmy Fallon she hears me scream from the kitchen, “Son of a B!%@#!!!” And

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Dinner is Posted

I am all about scheduling. I plan out my day, week, month, work schedule and home schedule. It shouldn’t shock anyone then that I also schedule my meals for the week. The genius part about…

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