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My ’14 Resolutions

I know it’s cliche to have my first post of the new year being my new years resolutions, but I can’t help it. I have posted them on past blogs. So I figure, why not…

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A Cubby’s Christmas

Look, I am really not a Provo fan at all, but for some reason they have the best places to eat. Why is that? Fortunately for me I have a brother-in-law that lives there and…

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The Candy Man Can

Why I do this to myself, I’ll never know!

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The Candy Man Can

Why I do this to myself, I’ll never know!

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Peanut Butter is the New Pumpkin

Every year you go to the family parties and it’s always the same old pumpkin pie. This year I decided that it was time for a change. I thought, people like pie, but why not…

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