Teeth Bleaching | Deal Worth Doing

You don’t know a person more obsessed with the dentist more than me. I love going to the dentist and getting any work done: drill my teeth, give me shots, do it all. I love…

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3 Success Strategies for Dads in 2018

Written by guest blogger Joel Gardner In 2015, my wife, birth-daughter, and I decided to expand our family of 3 into a family of 7 by adopting 4 amazing children. My wife and I immediately…

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#12DaysOfGiveaways | Our BabyLit Book Tradition

Starting a tradition can be hard because what if you don’t love it or it’s too much work? Thankfully, when my wife and I had kids we wanted to start our own book tradition. It…

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#12DaysOfGiveaways | Gathre Playmat

Imaginative play is huge at our house. My son has the biggest imagination and I love watching him as he plays. When I got him a Gathre playmat I thought I was taking a bit…

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How Do You Handle Your Kid Smacking You?

It was a smack heard around the world. Seriously, I am shocked with what happened. Has your child ever full blown smacked you across the face? You can have one of two reactions: smacking back…

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