Where Did the Diaper Smell Go?

For the past three years I walk into my kids room and I gag because of the smell of used diapers. We have had a diaper can that people suggested, but I have never been a fan. I finally decided that since we’re pregnant with our third kid it’s time for change–no more dirty diaper smell.

We were given a Diaper Genie for a shower gift and were super excited because we heard lots of great things about it. I was always under the impression that if you put a diaper in there, the bag twisted completely closing off the smell. This was not the case. In fact, I did everything I could to cover the smell because it always seemed to leak out.

Where Did the Diaper Smell Go? by The Modern DadAt what point do you finally go out and get something different? I couldn’t take the smell and heard about how great Ubbi World diaper pails were. Not only would the keep out the smell, but you could use any garbage bag in them. This was great because I was sick of always having to get refills for the other.

Ubbi diaper pails are made with a powder-coated steel to achieve maximum odor control. Then the top has a rubber seal that locks in odors. I love the sliding lid that minimizes air disruption, keeping all the smells so I’m not gagging as I toss away each diaper.

Where Did the Diaper Smell Go? by The Modern DadNot only are the great features amazing, but they come in so many cute colors. And have you seen the new black and white options? They are great for general neutral rooms. If you have a boy, then a girl and want to use the same diaper pail, this is perfect.

The Ubbi World diaper pail gets The Modern Dad seal of approval. I would recommend this to anyone that is registering for a first baby, or is expecting their fourth and ready for the change. You’ll be happy you made the switch, I promise.

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