Easy Dinners for the Busy (or regular) Family

We are back in school from a long break and getting back into a routine. Dinner tends to be the last thought and we tend to just have something simple to fall back on. Ours is usually airfryed nuggets. But what if there were easy dinners for the busy (or regular) family? Would you get it? 

Of course you would! Well, there is a good one that is simple, delicious and we have been using it for year. Plus, don’t miss the end because I have a discount just for you. 

Have you heard of Beehive Meals?

Beehive Meals has become a staple in our home because they are simple, delicious, freezer meals. 

Of course now that it’s cooling down, crockpot meals are more top of mind, but we use them all the time. 

They provide a variety of freezer meal options (gluten free, macro friendly, family style) with all different portion sizes to fit your needs. 

You get ten meals in an order and they are so easy that even I can do them. 

Is your life crazy right now?

Let me paint a picture for you. 

You get up, get the kids ready for school, jump in the car for a 30 minute commute to their school. While out, you are getting things done: check on the house you are remodeling, meet with your contractor, run home to switch the laundry, take your four year old to preschool, etc. 

Day’s get so busy and go by so quickly. Before you know it, dinner time is approaching and you haven’t started anything. 

This is why I love Beehive Meals. Usually around noon, I throw one in the crock pot, put it on low, and away I go to get all my other things done. 

When dinner time approaches, you now have your main piece of the meal done and ready. Make up noodles, rice, veggies, whatever you need and it’s all set. 

So can I get these meals?

Here is where you can go to see if they deliver to your area, but they are currently serving Utah, Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada. But be sure to check where exactly in those states they deliver. 

They don’t ship because it would cost a ton to ship, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to be expanding to other states, just takes time. And trust me, they are worth the wait!

Really though, check out their current menu’s because they change month to month. I love that because its mixes things up and recently they started adding new recipes giving you the perfect variety.

The great part about all this, if you use code MODERNDAD you can get a discount on any of their meals, and it even stacks on top of their already discounted subscription option. You’re welcome!

Favorite tools to make it easier

Honestly, these meals couldn’t be any easier, but I put together a few things that make it even easier.

6 Quart Crock-pot | Under $100: 

Obviously, you are going to need a crock-pot to make these meals. We love these one for the timer, but it also has a retractible cord. Makes putting it away and storing it clean and easy. 

Hand mixer | Under $22

A lot of the meals they make have chicken as the protein. One easy to to shred cooked chicken is to take a hand mixer, put the cooked chicken in a bowl, and use the mixer to shred the chicken. You will be surprised at how easy it is and how quick. 

Chicken Shredder | Under $10

Don’t want a hand mixer, but still want an easy way to shred the chicken, this chicken shredder is ridiculous at how easy it was. Good shredded chicken makes these meals that much better. 

Slow Cooker Liners | Under $4

Now, I am not a fan of liners, but the amount of messages I get whenever I make meal in our slow cooker saying I need this is unreal. They make cleanup an absolute breeze. So if you want that, then you want these! 

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