Emily’s February Reads

I know most people are lucky to read a book a month! Emily was once in that place too. This year she has spent an unusual amount of time transporting kids to and from school.

So when they are with her they listen to the kids books and when it’s just Emily and Alice, they listen to her list.

If you’re curious about her favorite books, check them out here!

So I am going to let Emily tell you what she read this month and why she loved them or they weren’t her favorite. Take it away Emily!

Emily’s Favorite Reads for February

“The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley” by Courtney Walsh

This is a book that I believe every person should read! Maybe it was relatable in certain ways, but also it was just plain good. I found myself laughing, crying and wanting to be better.

It is about a turning point in Isadora’s life. At her 30th birthday she realizes that she might not be happy. She then begins an experiment to see if little things really do make her happy. Will she find happiness? You’ll have to read to find out!

“Iona Iverson’s Rules of Commuting” by Clare Pooley

Have you ever stopped and talked to a stranger? Rather than keep to yourself during a wait, pedicure or plane ride, stopped and taken a moment to really get to know someone?

I loved this book because it is a delightful representation of what could happen if we let ourselves open up.

Iona is an iconic, stand out woman in her late fifties. She rides the same train car everyday to and from work. One day, she opens up to a passenger and soon the entire train car becomes friends. They each offer and receive help from one another and become connected in a way that will make you smile and laugh.

This book is all about the need for connection. I loved the reminder that often our best friends and supporters are right in front of us. I’m going to do better to embrace, invite and get to know the people in my circle.

“The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches” by Sangu Mandanna

This was a genre and book that I would’t have picked up had it not been a Book Club book. I was completely surprised by my reaction to this book. It was delightful!

Did you know that witches aren’t supposed to live in groups with other witches? Occasionally they gather for tea and reconnect but live lonely lives to conceal their secret powers.

Find out what happens when a witch embraces the opportunity to become part of a family. It is a great read about how the experience from our challenges can help others. What would happen if you had a place that felt like home?

“Hello Beautiful” by Ann Napolitano

A charming story about the power of family. Some families we are born into and some we become encircled about and accepted completely. This is a story of rallying around people we care about and always leaving space for them to come back. It is said that it is a modern day Little Women. I love Little Women! It is literally my favorite book and I read it at least once a year. Although I saw little connections and references to the classic book, I didn’t think it was as relatable as the claims said. I did enjoy it and would read it again too.

“The Wishing Game” by Meg Shaffer

As a former teacher and advocate for championing children, I loved this book! It is all about the connection and ability for books to take us to a happier place. Lucy had a traumatic childhood and one specific series, kept her believing in herself. Watch how the book connects people and has the power to grant their wishes and help conquer their fears. I couldn’t put it down! Just a happy, fun read that will make you smile and root for the characters every page of the story.

Books for the Kids

As for the kids, we are still working our way through the Wings of Fire series. They are full of adventure and watching dragons realize they are braver, stronger and more capable than they ever imagined.

Olive is loving the Whatever After series. A girl has a magic mirror that takes her inside different fairy tales. They are quick reads and even Alice loves to listen to them.

Alice’s favorite book for the last couple months has been the Billy Goats Gruff. It is a silly take on the classic fairy tale. She can retell the whole thing word for word and it is the cutest thing ever!

If you’re looking for good, classic reads for kids, check out our favorites here!

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