Pre Workout Game Changer

Recently I started taking WM Nutrition and it’s been a total game changer. It started with the pre workout and Advantraslim. I loved it so much that I had to tell everyone about it. Really, when I love a product I genuinely want everyone to know how great it is. My experience with WM Nutrition is nothing, but amazing, but you don’t have to take my word for it. 

Pre Workout Game Changer by The Modern DadFor years I have taken a pre workout. Something about it makes it so that I can not only push myself more for my workout, but I also have more energy after. Personally, I feel like I get more done on a pre workout than I do in an entire day not on it. But like I said, I have taken it for years. Maybe to hear from a person that has never used pre workout ever would be good.

When we moved to Bountiful, my wife asked that we get a family plan to the local rec center. She was excited to be going to the gym as a couple or mornings with her sister-in-law. One morning last week she decided to give a pre workout a try. She has never taken one before and was skeptical to what her experience would be. So many times she’s heard me say about other brands making me jittery or have a tingling sensation. She wasn’t sure she was ready for something like that.

Pre Workout Game Changer by The Modern DadI have have to quote my wife about her thoughts because she says it best:

I have never done a pre workout ever! Until this last week. Game changer. Not only do I have more energy to workout, but I am super productive for like six hours after. I got in a droopy funk after the baby and needed something to give me energy for not only the gym, but my day as a mom. When I take the pre workout I get more don win those few hours than I do all day. Maybe it’s mental, but I’ll take it. Seriously, it’s so good!

As for the work out, I feel like my endurance is much greater. Before, I would have lost energy and motivation early on in the workout. Now I’m still energized at the end of the workout. I was always skeptical because I didn’t think I was athletic enough to take it, but if anything I will become that athletic person because of it.

She loves it. Now, she’s breastfeeding, but hasn’t seen any change in our baby since taking it. But she also doesn’t take it every single day. We each go to the gym every other day. But if you wonder if it’s safe to take when breastfeeding I’d say ask your doctor, they’ll know best.

Pre Workout Game Changer by The Modern DadI have been taking Advantraslim for two weeks now. Seriously, what I love about it so far is that I am not snacking all day long. It really has helped me not crave anything during the day at all. Not only am I cutting cravings, but I am actually loving the flavors they have. This stuff is so easy to take because you pour it in your water and just drink it before breakfast and lunch. Everyone asks me what flavor is my favorite and honestly I can’t pick one. They all have been so good so far.

Pre Workout Game Changer by The Modern DadIf you are looking for the perfect supplements, then look no further than WM Nutrition. Best part is, if you use the code DAD47 you will get 47% OFF!!! So don’t wait, order your Advantraslim, pre workout, or any other products you think would be perfect for you. I promise, whatever you order will be absolutely perfect.


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