Le Beau La Belle Bow Giveaway

We’ve all been there, you’re in Costco with your tired, cranky children, trying to figure out what to have for dinner and just order some pizza slices. As you sit in the food court enjoying your slice you try to let your mind go somewhere else because the stress of crazy kids is way too much.

But then some stranger comes and sits by you that you happen to notice from Instagram and decide maybe it would be fun to start a conversation. This exact thing happened at Costco when I met Taryn of Le Beau La Belle Shop. We were sitting in Costco with our kids, Olive had just barely been born, and we were trying to figure out what to do for dinner.

Le Beau La Belle Bow Giveaway with The Modern DadTaryn was sitting by us with her little ones when we started a conversation. She had recognized me from Instagram and we talked about kids and the dinnertime drag that causes cranky, tired kids. She was so nice and exhausted because her husband was just finishing up school out of town and wasn’t going to be home for months. We got it, we had just fallen into the two kids lifestyle and having both parents home made life so much easier, but if my wife had to do it alone she said she would literally go crazy.

Le Beau La Belle Bow Giveaway with The Modern DadWe applauded her for her hard work and especially getting out of the house. She mentioned that she noticed we had a little girl and said that she had a bow company. We were excited because the hair accessory world was new to us, but we didn’t want to do anything huge and extreme frills.

When Taryn brought the bows to us, I was absolutely blown away. She had said that she did leather bows and I was slightly nervous because I didn’t know how you could make leather bows look cute. Well, she did it. This was a woman working from home just to have an outlet from the stresses of parenthood and help her family while her husband is finishing up school. She didn’t want to work for a company because then she would be away from her kids. She wanted to stay home with her children, but also bring in a little extra to help.

Le Beau La Belle Bow Giveaway with The Modern DadI know, there are a billion women out there doing this exact same thing, but Taryn was so nice in person and genuine when we first met. We connected on all levels and we were actually able to talk and get to know each other. I applaud any woman trying to do everything she can to help her family; whether that’s selling moccasins, clothes or baby bows. They are busy home keeping the kids alive and entertained, but on any down moment they have they are working for their business and that is exactly what Taryn is doing.

Check out her shop and see for yourself how cute her bows are. I personally love the dainty bows because they are so small, but add that little piece we all put on our girls so everyone else will stop saying, “Oh, your boy is so cute!”

Le Beau La Belle Bow Giveaway with The Modern DadAren’t there so many cute bows? Well, enter my Instagram giveaway today to win a $20 store credit to Le Beau La Belle Shop. All you need to do is follow both @the_modern_dad & @lebeaulabelle on Instagram, like the picture for the giveaway and tag all the friends you want that you think would want to get a credit.

I will pick a winner tomorrow at 9:00 am MST. So enter like crazy because you are going to want to get some of these bows for your little girls.

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