Mothers of the Year 2016

I had so much fun doing this post last year and celebrating the amazing mothers that are out there that I had to do it again. So many mothers out there are doing some amazing things and I wanted to take some time to say, thank you. Thank you for all your hard work, your amazing examples and for giving us much needed entertainment.

You will see some repeats, but I feel like these ladies are the ones that are making an impact. These women are in no specific order, but they are all amazing and doing things that are changing the world around us. It’s hard to narrow it down too, but know that all mothers out there are doing a lot of amazing things. I have met a few of these mothers in person and can say that they are the most genuine, caring women you will ever come in contact with. And for the ones I haven’t met in person, I feel like I’ve known them for years because of what they share on social media that allows us a glimpse into their lives.

Stephanie Nielson | Nie Nie Dialogues blog – Here is a woman that is setting the most amazing example to her own children and many other people that view her blog. After being in a plane accident and over 80% of her body being burned she is living a beautiful life despite pain and challenges. I love her attitude of motherhood and the care she takes to raise strong children.

Emily, Jenna & Nicole | Small Fry Blog – These three amazing women work hard trying to get information to parents with their children lifestyle blog. They share everything from family vacation tips, crafting ideas for kids and what to wear for summer. Not only are they doing great things for others, but doing this with their kids and setting amazing examples even when life isn’t perfect.

Jacqui Saldana | Baby Boy Bakery – I first heard of Jacqui when Instagram united together to support her after losing her three year old son Ryan. From there, Jacqui has taken the memories of working in the kitchen with her son to making it possible to make meals with your kids by creating fun recipes with products that get sent directly to your home. She is hard working, so kind and her cute little daughter melts my heart every day when I see her on Snapchat.

Naomi Davis | Love Taza Blog – When I think of the mother that does it all Naomi/Taza always comes to mind. I love all the activities she does while including her children and always having her family together. When it’s easy to get lost in the craziness of New York, Taza is the shining star.

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Rachel Parcell | Fashion Blogger – You pull up her Instagram and you want to be wearing everything she wears. Here is a woman that has become the person to dress like, but always including her adorable little girl and excited to welcome another baby to the family. Why do I include Rachel? Here is a woman that gets so many haters telling her how to be a parent, when she is just trying to do the best she can and help provide for her family. I have always loved and respected her dealing with the harshness that comes with being Insta-famous. Keep up the great work Rachel.

Ashley Reeves | Ashley’s Fresh Fix – Ashley has recently become one of my favorite people to follow, not only on Instagram and Snapchat, but also on Periscope. She is constantly sharing life hacks, giving helpful advice on how to run your social media platforms and has recently released her new watermelon slicer that will blow your mind and makes cutting watermelon a billion times easier. Ashley works hard and helps her family and so many others and for that I am grateful.

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Karla Quiz | James Fox Co – I first met Karla as we worked as Freshly Picked Brand Enthusiasts together. I always loved seeing her beautiful girls on Instagram and watching her teach them to be best friends. Karla found a need for stylish and comfortable hospital gowns. She created a product that was needed and has grown tremendously. What inspiration she has brought me to find a need that could help others and go for it.

Susan Peterson | Freshly Picked CEO – I can’t say enough nice things about Susan and what she has created. Here is a woman that knew her family needed a little extra income, stayed up late nights trying to figure out how she could do that and created the mega brand Freshly Picked. She has set the example to so many working mothers (and fathers) that if you work hard, hustle and go for your dreams you can accomplish anything.

Amy Richardson | June & January Creator – Another mom I can’t say enough good things about. Amy has been a friend for years and has truly been the example of what hard work in Brooklyn can accomplish. With her husband and two adorable children by her side, Amy has created, what I think, is the must have baby basic company. She has created a brand that brings joy to so many families and let’s be honest, it is super cute!

Mothers of the Year 2016 by The Modern DadAdele | Singer/Songwriter – If I am going to talk about amazing mothers I have to include one big time celebrity, because they’re people too (at least that’s what US Magazine keeps telling me). This year Adele was spotted at Disneyland with her son dressed as Anna from Frozen. “It’s important for children to know that their parents will stand by them no matter what and we will do whatever it takes to keep our son happy and not take his innocence and imagination from him.” Thank you for your fantastic example Adele and just keeping it real.

Alison Faulkner | The Alison Show – Women need to have a place that they can get away, not worry about what the kids are doing and just be themselves. Alison has created this very thing by hosting fantastic parties that are just for women and I love it. I was always wanting to go (because of my fear of missing out), but when Alison explained to me why she does ladies only parties it makes sense. “Women aren’t going to be themselves, wild and free if there are guys around. I want these women to be able to come and just enjoy themselves without having anything else to worry about.” I love Alison and if you don’t follow her Snapchats you’re going to want to get on that asap, it’s always a good time.

Amy Twitty | Live and Hope Blog – When there is a story that involves adoption, I instantly become obsessed with them. Amy has adopted two beautiful girls and the way she did it is what I love most. So many time I see the GoFundMe asking people to just give money, but Amy felt like she could do better and actually work for the money it takes to adopt a baby. She started a business in her garage selling children’s tents and just grew from there. I admire the woman that goes above and beyond to attain the things she wants most.

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Andrea Williams | Tubby Todd – When you can’t find a product out there that you feel is important, what do you do about it? Well, Andrea took the horse by the reins and created all natural bathing products for babies. Tubby Todd, personally, has been my go to product for clearing up my children’s eczema. I have loved keeping their skin protected and soft during the crazy winter months in Utah and it has brought many smiles to their faces with the fantastic bubble baths they’ve enjoyed. Andrea runs this with three kids and a smile on her face. So grateful for her and the product she has provided for all of us.

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Elle Rowley | Solly Baby Wrap – Elle is one of those people that when you meet her in person you want her to always be around because of her friendly personality and way of making you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. Elle created Solly Baby Wraps as a way to keep your children attached to you and making my life so much easier. Now I know baby wearing isn’t anything new, but what Elle did was she found material that is comfortable to both baby and parent, breathable and stylish. She runs this company with her husband and together they make sure to keep an active role in the lives of their adorable children.

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Corrine Stokoe | Mint Arrow – It’s all about deals for Corrine and she has become a mother that I love watching. At times you wonder how fashion bloggers do it all with kids, but Corrine is real. She dresses in ways that any mom would want to dress and finds deals so that you can afford these amazing products. She does this with products too and it has been a life saver on more than one occasion. Working hard at her blog, DoTerra business with her husband and also is a mother of two adorable girls and she loves taking them to Disneyland, the beach and I am sure shopping trips.

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Hailey Devine | Videographer – With a smile as contagious as Hailey’s you can’t but love her and her adorable family. Here is a woman working with her husband creating videos for companies that make you feel like you are there and a part of what’s going on. You know she’s an amazing mother when April of last year we were all pulled to her blog in the fantastic post she did talking about protecting your kids and family on social media. Mama bear came out letting us all know that she was going to not post her child alone and become more aware of who was following her. She opened all of our eyes and we thank you for that.

Mothers of the Year 2016 by The Modern DadJill Syme | Hard Working Mom, and My Sister – Looking back at the past year and the amazing mothers that I have seen, I can’t help by mention my amazing sister. Here is a woman whose husband is working away from home, and a lot of time out of state, a son that is approaching his pre-teens and a daughter with cerebral palsy. I get it, we all have our struggles and life comes at us in ways that aren’t always easy, but my sister does it and does an amazing job at it. She is raising fantastic children and is just a great example to me. So grateful for her and love her so much!

Mothers of the Year 2016 by The Modern DadKaren Ericson | The Best Mother-In-Law – Usually, when people talk about their mother-in-law it’s not good things, am I right? Lucky for me, I have the best mother-in-law there ever was. Karen is the one that will do anything to make sure you are taken care of. When we had early play practices and my wife had to be at the school early and I had to be at work, Karen would constantly step in and watch our kids for us. She always wants to make sure her family is happy, loved and does an amazing job at it.

Mothers of the Year 2016 by The Modern DadVicki Dunnigan | My Mom – When talking about mothers of the year, you have to mention your own mother. Here is the woman that literally would risk her life to make sure everyone is okay. I can picture it as if it was yesterday when I got the call from my mom that she had fallen in the kitchen and couldn’t move. I rushed my family to her house to be by her side and all I was thinking was, “You have been here for me so many times, I will do anything to make sure you know that I will do the same.” I love my mom more than anything. I am grateful that I can talk to her daily and we share our frustrations, humorous things that happened and just walking through our days and what’s happened. I cherish my conversations with her and for the love that I feel from her on a daily basis.

Mothers of the Year 2016 by The Modern DadEmily Dunnigan | The Best Mother I Know – We know that no one can beat our own mother, but then you get married and realize that isn’t true. Emily is the perfect mother that any family could ask for. The many nights getting up with crying kids because they are hungry or don’t feel good, she never complains but gives of her love so freely. Then being woken up again by those same kids at 6:00 am wanting milk, a show to watch and for her to sit by their side. She never complains about anything in front of the kids and makes sure they feel and that they know she loves them more than anything. She is the woman I could only dream of having in my life, and I get to be with her on a daily basis. Thank you Emily for setting the bar and being the most phenomenal mother there could ever be. I love you!

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