Perfect Back-To-School Teacher Gifts

Being a newbie to back-to-school (or I guess first time to school) I am confused at when you get the teacher a gift and what is appropriate. Thankfully, my wife was a teacher for seven years and was able to clue me in on the fact that teachers always need items for the classroom. But are teacher gifts really that important?

Teacher Facts

With an average teacher’s salary being just over $43K I think it’s important that we are helping. Doing everything we can to support them and help them with their classroom needs. She tells me all the time about how she would spend so much money on her students. They are only given so much for supplies and a lot of the time they are using money out of their own pocket.

Teacher Supply List

As a parent, I strongly encourage you to help the educators in your child’s school. One simple way to do this is by supplying them with the things they need. Sending the students a supply list:

  • Pencils: regular and colored (sharpened!!!)
  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Kleenex
  • Sanitizer
  • Soap

Teacher Gifts

How great it is to provide these things, but why if you could add a little something extra to their needs? A teacher gift showing them that you truly care. Some of my favorites are here:

Sharpie-Teachers-GiftSharpie Teachers Gift

Back+to+School+Teacher+GiftCrystal Light Drink Packets

hand-sanitizer-teacher-gift-back-to-school-printableHand Sanitizer Gift with printable

highlighter-teacher-gift-back-to-schoolHighlighter Gift with Printable

appleanddipApple and Dip

Perfect Back-To-School Teacher Gifts by The Modern DadFlips Pretzel Gift

At the end of the day, these are little things, but bring so much joy to the teacher. So it’s time to show the teachers that we support them. And we are here to help them as they are helping our children.

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