Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios

Growing up I loved walking past the silhouette store at Disneyland. I love the idea of taking the memorable classic look of a profile and printing it as a display for all to remember. It captures a specific moment in a lasting memory. With how much your children change in those first few years, silhouettes captures it perfectly in a decorative way. 

Postmark Studios is my latest obsession. I remember thinking with my son, if only I could capture that perfect face I see all the time! No picture did justice depicting his sweet love and personality. Then I found Postmark Studios.Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad

You snap a profile picture of your child, send it to them and they send you a proof of their silhouette. I would say the hardest part about this whole thing is trying to get that perfect profile picture of your child, because who are we kidding, kids aren’t always sitting still for a picture let alone a profile picture. My wife had grabbed some great pictures, but they have to be straight on and with nothing in the background. Think about this, getting a toddler to stand still long enough just so you can get a great profile picture. Well, we sat the kids on my wife’s lap and snapped some pictures with my phone.

Here’s what I got:

Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad

Then you submit the pictures to Postmark Studios, letting them know the colors you want them printed in and what you want it to say at the bottom of your silhouette.  I loved the idea of putting their names and documenting the year we got them done. You could also do the year they are born if you wanted, but I like the idea of having the date I got the print done as a memory to look back on.Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad

You will then get a proofing email for you to check and and make final selections. I loved this because we had my daughter wearing a bow (since her hair is short and we can’t do anything with it yet) they sent two bow options. Plus, maybe you won’t like the color choice you did and you want to change something. This is the time to get it done and have any corrections you may need because you know your child’s profile better than anyone, right? Yes!Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad

Finally, you get a final high resolution image in a 8×10 or 5×7 size that you can print yourself or have them print it for you. Receiving the high resolution image is great because you can print as many as you want and the quality is just the same. Plus it’s always nice to have a digital copy on hand in case something was to happen.Perfect Silhouettes by Postmark Studios | The Modern Dad

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