#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles

Solly wraps are my very favorite, but if you would have asked me about wraps about six years about I would have said something different. Not because I didn’t like Solly wraps, but because they weren’t an option.

#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles by The Modern DadYears ago I managed a local baby store and I remember getting wraps in. I absolutely hated them because the fabric was so thick, they didn’t have any give, and I knew that if I used it with a baby I would be sweating in a matter of seconds. Two years after that my dreams came true when I found Solly Baby Wraps and everything I wanted in a wrap was made a reality.#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles by The Modern Dad

Solly Baby Wraps are exactly what I want in a wrap:

  • Lightweight
  • Breathable
  • Fashionable colors/patterns
  • Perfect length (no access material)
  • Good stretch
  • Carries up to 25 lbs

Really, I was nervous about wearing my baby in a wrap because what if I did it wrong and they fell out. Elle (the creator of Solly Baby) did an amazing how-to video showing you how to put on a wrap for different sized babies. Not only different sizes, but different ages and developmental periods. A newborn is going to be carried different than your eight month old.

#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles by The Modern DadWith my oldest I was sold on the idea of wearing him. It was great because his first few months during Utah winter. I felt he was protected from the winter cold and we were keeping each other warm. He loved it! To this day I think that’s why he loves when I hold him so close to me when we are out.

#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles by The Modern DadWhen my daughter was born, Solly decided to really make all out dreams come true and released swaddle blankets. Solly swaddles are by far our favorite. Again, lightweight, breathable, and a good stretch for a nice tight swaddle. As our kids grow up, they still love having those swaddle blankets nearby as a source of comfort.

#12DaysofGivaways | My Love for Solly Wraps & Swaddles by The Modern DadNow with our third child I didn’t think the wraps could be any better, but boy was I wrong. They have recently released the new and improved swaddles with a shorter length. Making it so that there isn’t a major access of material hanging on your side.

No matter if you have an older Solly Baby wrap or the new and improved version, you’re going to be the happiest parent on the blog. I love having my hands free and if needs be, I can carry all three kids without feeling exhausted. So get your Solly Baby wrap or swaddles today. You and your child will love the buttery softness of this amazing product.


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