Subscription? Try Mom ‘n Tot Box

There is something about all these simple subscription companies that I absolutely love. I love that I don’t have to worry about getting razors at the store anymore because I have a subscription to Dollar Shave Club. I love that I don’t have to think twice for my daughter’s hair accessories because I have a subscription to Little Poppy Bows. But what do you do when you run out of finding new fun and creative things for you and your little ones to do together?Mom ‘n Tot Box is the new subscription that I am obsessed with. I love it’s simplicity to set up, when in reality it’s dealing the most precious people in my life (my wife and kids). Mom ‘n Tot Box does the work in finding the products that your wife and kids will love wearing, playing with and introduces us as parents to brands we never would have found otherwise.


What do you do to set up your Mom ‘n Tot Box subscription? It’s easy!

  • Pick the subscription that works best for you (see the options here). I love that they have an option of a three month subscription which is great for a gift.
  • Tell Mom ‘n Tot Box about yourself, your kids and what your interests are. I said that I have a 2 1/2 year old, 6 month old and the most gorgeous wife on the planet.
  • Then submit your order by the 15th of the month, and it will be sent out the 1st of the next month.

Subscription? Try Mom 'n Tot Box by The Modern DadNow don’t tell me that isn’t easy? Another great thing I love about Mom ‘n Tot Box is that everything that comes in the box comes from small businesses. Honestly, there were things in here that I felt I would have never heard about if it weren’t for getting their products in my subscription.

Subscription? Try Mom 'n Tot Box by The Modern DadAlso, I love that it wasn’t just all of one type of product. I have gotten subscription based products before and everything was the same type of item in there. There was a selection of items from clothes and bathing products to toys and hair accessories.

Subscription? Try Mom 'n Tot Box by The Modern DadSo give Mom ‘n Tot Box a try. Get a subscription going and you will never have to worry about the next thing you need to entertain your kids with next month.

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