Summer Decor Essentials | Foundation Goods

You know our love for shopping and now that we are going to have our back patio ready for decorating and entertaining I figured it would be ideal to start shopping for all the decor that we want to have for the backyard patio. We will be entertaining a ton this summer, but also want to make it feel like an extension of our home.

One of our favorite store for finding decor is Foundation Goods. We love going in because it simple, clean, and the style is always exactly what we are looking for. Figured it would be easier to put all the things we are getting for the patio in one simple location. So enjoy, shop away, and I want to hear what your favorite things are too.

We wanted to have a location that could feel like the perfect outdoor edition to our house. We ordered the big sectional, but then put together this inspiration board to help put the bigger areas of the patio together. I think it’s a simple look, but it’s the decor that is really going to make the full space feel special.

Summer Patio Decor | Foundation Goods

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