Sweater Weather | Little Edition

Something about sweater weather that puts the biggest smile on my face. Never have I been a fan of the colder weather, but dressing my little ones has changed all that. Putting them in these cute sweaters has been a joy and today I share with you some of my favorites.

I have a tendency to get on a YouTube watching spree and last week was no different. Watching one clip, then going to another can take you in a direction you’d never dream of. As I was watching clips I came across this fun clip from SNL:

Honestly, sweater weather just brings out the best in people and the best brands have created some of the cutest most comfortable sweaters for your little ones. Cuddling up around a fire, sipping on some hot chocolate and putting on your favorite sweater is my absolute favorite. And I love it even more when I get to include my little ones. So let me share our favorite sweaters your little ones will love in sweater weather.

Whistle & Flute

Sweater Weather | Little Edition by The Modern Dad

Kawaii Apple Sweatshirt

Gap Kids

Sweater Weather | Little Edition by The Modern Dad

Superman Sweater

Childhoods Clothing Co

Sweater Weather | Little Edition by The Modern Dad

Pullover Crew

Hello Apparel

Sweater Weather | Little Edition by The Modern Dad

Hello Raglan Pullover

Pure Lamb

Sweater Weather | Little Edition by The Modern Dad

Organic Hoodie

No matter your preference, you know that any of these brands are going to keep your kids warm all winter long. Not only that, but they will look very stylish as well.

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