A Pirate Mermaid Birthday Party

When you have two kids that have birthday’s a couple weeks apart you bite the bullet and combine their birthday party. That’s why we celebrated Nixon and Olive’s six and fourth birthday’s with a pirate…

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The Perfect Baseball Theme Birthday

Baseball has become our life. Being obsessed with “The Sandlot” and constantly wanting to play catch, we have a future MLB player on our hands. Because of this we decided that a baseball theme birthday party…

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Animal Birthday Party Details

I don’t know what it is about birthday parties, but I absolutely love them. Now that I am a parent, I always want to go all out and kind of over the top with them…

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Animal Birthday Ideas

My son is going to be turning two soon and I may have freaked out a little. Where has all the time gone? How is he going to be two already? I wanted to be…

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