Hydrojugs: Celebrating 8 Years of Hydration Excellence

We’re all water bottle people now, right? I mean, who even leaves the house without their trusty hydration sidekick? Whether it’s plain water, flavored concoctions, or your favorite energy drink, you probably have a bottle…

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Birthday Traditions

Are you a birthday lover? Is there something so special about birthdays that you remember every single year? Birthday traditions have been a huge part of my life and here I share with you a…

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A Pirate Mermaid Birthday Party

When you have two kids that have birthday’s a couple weeks apart you bite the bullet and combine their birthday party. That’s why we celebrated Nixon and Olive’s six and fourth birthday’s with a pirate…

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The Aquarium, My New Favorite Place to Party

When you are trying to plan a party, whether it’s for the kids, family or just a neighborhood get together, we tend to go to the same places. The park, Chuckie Cheese Pizza and trampoline…

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Birthday Week | It Sure Has Changed

Birthday week has always been one of the biggest celebrations for me. From traveling across the country to renting a car to go to Disneyland, I spare no expense when it’s birthday time. My it sure…

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