Marathon Training Week 15 |Making & Seeing Changes

Fifteen weeks is a long time to do something consistently. As for  my running, I had been keeping up with it for 15 weeks straight and actually seeing changes. I’ve said it before, I have…

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Parenting in These Crazy Times

Raising kids is hard work, but how do you do it when everything you hear about on the news and on social media is nothing but terror, hate and crime? I get it, these things…

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Breaking the CrossFit Myths

When you hear the word CrossFit what are the first things you think of? Crazy people throwing weights and other weird objects around? A bunch of people working out wearing basically nothing? People that have…

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What Made Me Pick CrossFit

I will be the first to admit it, when a friend of mine asked me to do CrossFit, I laughed. You think I can do a pull-up? You think I want to throw some heavy…

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From Function to Fashion

I tend to love simple things. One of those simple things that I am loving these days are bowls. Is that weird? I don’t think so, since bowls have become super cute these days and…

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