Perfect Summer Bow Ties

Summer time is great, but when you are dressing up for work, wedding receptions or church, ties get so hot. Bow ties are great for summer because there’s less fabric and they always stay out…

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Chester Pink: A Bow Tie for All

Clearly I have a major obsession with bow ties that not everyone is wearing, but when it comes to Chester Pink everyone actually is wearing them: men and women. Usually when you think of wearing…

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30 Days of Bow Ties

What is it about a bow tie that makes people take a second look? What if you saw a person wearing a different bow tie for 30 days in a row, what would you think…

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Easter Best

Easter is in the air, which means that Spring is in the air! Best things about spring time and Easter is wearing your bright colors and letting your outfits speak for themselves.  Nothing tells people…

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