It’s a Blow Out

How was your Thanksgiving weekend? Sorry I haven’t posted, just thought that I would dedicate the entire weekend to focusing on my family. We had a total blast; eating, shopping and hanging out with the…

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Freshen Up That Kitchen Sink

There is nothing I hate more in the kitchen then a smelly sink. Being that I am a clean freak I always wonder how my sink can get so smelly when I clean it all…

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Mr Clean & Lysol: My Kitchen Cleaners

Most guys are not going to go to the store and purchase their favorite cleaning supplies on a Saturday morning because they are so excited to get the house clean. Well, welcome to one of…

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No One Likes a Hairy Nose

Guys, can I be honest with you for a second? NO girl, or person for that matter, likes to see the hairs in your nose. It’s true! You know it, I know it, the world…

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Germs Germs Go Away!

You know those times when you are running around and the binky falls on the ground and you have nothing to clean it with? Well I have found the perfect solution to your germaphobe needs.…

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