Dad’s Guide to Spring Break: Sun, Fun, and a Little Chaos

A few weeks ago, I had a startling realization—Spring Break is coming up fast, and we have exactly zero plans. Not a single itinerary, reservation, or desperate Google search in sight. Now, I love a…

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Breton New Weekender Bag Kickstarter

Call me a crazy bag lady, but I am so obsessed with bags it’s ridiculous. My friend Joseph over at The Breton Company had released The Modern Day Briefcase and it was a huge success. With…

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Family Weekend Getaway

  We knew that we wanted to go away for the weekend, but with a little guy sick all week we weren’t sure that was the best idea. How grateful I am that we did…

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Road Trip, Worth it?

My whole life I grew up going on tons of epic road trips: St George, Vegas, Disneyland, and the Eastern United States. I remember them all as if they were yesterday and now being a…

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