Giveaway Time | Covered Goods

There is nothing better than finding a product that has multiple uses: feeding cover, car seat cover, cover for the shopping cart and scarf. I was questioning myself on if I would be a good…

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Support Your Father – Giveaway

Father’s Day is this Sunday. Have you gotten your dad, husband or father figure something yet? I mean, you still have time, but what if you were to win three pairs of Saxx underwear. Is…

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General Knot Bow Ties

When I first started this idea, wearing bow ties for 30 days in a row without wearing the same ties, I knew that I needed to go out and buy some more, and even venture out…

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Earth Day Brings a ReSqueeze Giveaway

Happy Earth Day! And what better than to celebrate with an amazing product review and giveaway right? Have you heard about ReSqueeze? Do you ReSqueeze? What makes ReSqueeze so Earth Day friendly? Well, I will…

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Giveaway: Me and Mommy Leggings

I believe in you… There are perhaps no more empowering words in the English language, yet how often do we hear those words? DeAnne Stidham heard them, and at a crucial time in her life. She…

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