Delicious Homemade Mac and Cheese

When I think of recipes that kids absolutely love, mac and cheese is at the top of the list. But I get sick of eating the same old boxed crap I get at the stores.…

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Chicago, Kid Friendly City?

When you have little kids, you tend to have your family vacations be focused around things that you think they would want. Does that mean that you can only go to Disneyland or on short…

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Simple Pizza Pinwheels

Finding simple dinner ideas my kids will love is a daily struggle. Constantly I am looking on Pinterest for ideas that would not only satisfy their needs for food, but also my needs and cravings. We…

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Getting Kids to Eat Zucchini – Zoodles

Trying to get kids to eat their vegetables has been a challenge for as long as I can remember. I remember as a child not wanting to eat my vegetables and just getting to the…

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Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Sometimes it’s impossible to have dinner ready for the family, but to make something our son will like too makes meals even harder. He loves pot pies, but when I pull those out of their…

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