Best Birthday Cake

Growing up, my mom always would go that extra mile to make sure that our birthday cake was special and made it just for you. I can’t tell you how many times she made me…

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Family Favorite: Brian Kershisnik Art Show

When you marry a person, what makes things fun is being able to try new things together. It could be something you love and they have never tried, something they love and you have never…

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Those Were the Dayzz

I grew up in a suburb of Salt Lake City called Taylorsville. A small community of families that brought their kids there for high school baseball (John Buck and Brandon Lyon went to school with…

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Road Trip, Worth it?

My whole life I grew up going on tons of epic road trips: St George, Vegas, Disneyland, and the Eastern United States. I remember them all as if they were yesterday and now being a…

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Learning From Our Children

It’s crazy to look back at the last seven months thinking about all the things that my little son has taught me already: patience, love for children (I’m not a huge fan of kids), and caring…

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