The Dance Mom vs. Sideline Dad

If there were a contest for crazier parent who would win? The dance mom, making sure their child is getting the lead in every performance and yelling at the instructor when their child doesn’t get the…

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The Amazing Mother’s of My Life

The term momma’s boy always has a negative connotation. For me I never had a problem with anyone ever referring to me as a momma’s boy. As a matter of fact, I pray that I…

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Funny Mother’s Day eCards

With Mother’s Day happening in just a few days how fun to send something electronically. Thank goodness for funny Mother’s Day eCards that you can send to your mother, mother-in-law, grandma or just the person that acts…

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Just Say MA MA!!!

Nothing is cuter than when you child starts talking. Now granted, the words he is saying don’t make sense at all. He does have one thing down “DA DA!!!” Clearly I was ecstatic when I…

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Adoption: My Story

Lately I have seen numerous posts about adoption and people sharing their stories. I figured I would jump on the band wagon and share mine. It’s funny though because people never believe that I am…

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