Marathon Training Week 47 | Energy Nutrition for Those Long Runs

Running has become a part of me. Weekly I am getting anywhere from 30-40 miles of just running in. But with all that running comes exhaustion. What can you do to make sure you have…

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RunGr8 Running Center Biomechanical Analysis

Remember when I told you about running shoes having a mileage? Well, I think I need to start breaking in some shoes before I do these FOUR races I have coming up now. My mileage…

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Marathon Training Week 42 | Shoe Mileage

Did you know that shoes have a mileage? When you are running every day and training for a race, your shoes wear out and you need to replace them. Shoe mileage is a real thing…

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Marathon Training Week 36 | Loved Bragnar

I pushed myself harder than I ever had before—Ragnar relay was pretty amazing. Now, I don’t want to say that I am going to turn this into a “Bragnar” post, but what a fun experience…

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