Bath Time Routines with Tubby Todd

Many times, as fathers, when it comes to bath time we tend to let mom deal with it. We worry about manipulating a slippery newborn or what do we do if our toddler poops in the…

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Obsession Confession | Tubby Todd

There is nothing better than when you take your child out of the tub, wrap them up in a warm towel and take in their amazingly fresh aroma. Then you take them to their changing…

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The 2015 Mothers of the Year

With Mother’s Day happening this weekend I couldn’t be more excited. There is something about celebrating motherhood and all the amazing mother’s out there. Really, I don’t care who you are, there are so many…

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Tubby Todd Bath Co

There is nothing better than that moment you pull your little one out of the tub and they smell like absolute heaven. I am one of those people that if it smells good, I buy…

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