Skin Scare | Clearing Up Eczema

In the movie Big Daddy, Sonny (played by Adam Sandler) talks to Julian/Frankenstein about his eczema. I never thought that eczema would be something that we would have to deal with because I thought it…

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More Than Just a Thank You

I feel like thank you cards are becoming a lost art. I remember growing up I was taught to write thank you cards for the gifts I received for birthdays and Christmas. Why is it that this has become…

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Kitchen Remodel is Eye Opening

When my wife and I got married she owned a condo, we repainted the interior to make it feel like “our” home. One thing we both agreed on was that we eventually wanted to do a…

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Get Sammy & Nat Pajamas

Sleeping in something cozy, warm and comfortable is what I live for. Not only do I love for my children’s pajamas to be all these things, but I want them to be an easy to…

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Minivan VS SUV: Which is Right for Us?

I told myself that I was never going to cave at getting a minivan because it is the classic mom car, there is a major stereo type of minivan drivers. Maybe an SUV would be…

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