17 Day Diet: Breakfast Smootie

Clearly with the new year coming around the corner everyone is wanting to start diets and lose those excess pounds that they’ve gained over the holidays, and probably the whole year too. For me, the 17…

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New Year – New Gym Look

Welcome back! The holidays have finished and now is the time to start thinking about all the new things to start working on for the new year. I always have a hard time trying to…

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Tasty Neighbor Gift

It’s that time of year that you are scrambling to find something to give those neighbors and friends something that they will love, blowing their minds, or even their taste buds. Our sunshine rings are…

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DIY: Chalkboard Blocks

Raising a child that is active and interested in everything makes you want to find them toys that are not only entertaining but also educational, helping them use their imagination to its fullest. What better way to…

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Perfect Stocking Stuffer: BabyLit Books

As you know, I am not a reader. The only reading I always would do was reading my monthly subscription to GQ, stealing my sister’s copy of Vogue, or any book written by celebrities. Since becoming…

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