The French say “Girafe”

We see them everywhere we go: on clothes, at the zoo, and even toys. But there is one specific toy that babies (and kids) go gaw gaw over: Sophie the Giraffe. What is it about…

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Pinterest Success Story

Nothing gets me more excited than when I find the actual place to a cute clothing find on Pinterest. I swear, I will pin stuff time and time again only to go back and see…

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It all starts with one step…

One day I was talking to my wife and said, “I think I am going to start a blog about being a dad.” I have read so many mommy bloggers and love their views, but…

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A Love Story I’ll Never Forget

There’s one question I get asked all the time: How did you meet your wife? Well, I guess we knew we’d get asked this question all the time. So we had this amazing short video…

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And Then We Were Three

How is it that yesterday my son was just in my wife’s stomach and now he’s six months old? Time flies way to quickly and it seems like yesterday that we were in the hospital…

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