Everyday’s a Carnival with Churro Cheesecake

No matter where I go, Disneyland, Costco, the fair, I have to get a churro. What is it about them that is so addicting? Is it the cinnamon and sugar? The crispiness? All of the…

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Bringing up a Gentleman

Why is it that people are always saying that chivalry is dead? Is it because you never dated a guy that would open your door, pull out your chair, let you (the lady) go first?…

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What’s the Soup Du Jour

When it’s cold and rainy outside, nothing is better than snuggling up in a bundle of warm blankets and having a nice warm bowl of soup.

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The Details of V Day

Tomorrow is the big day where we love to show our love. We go out of our way to express love, give tokens of love and be with those we love. When I was younger…

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A Simple Trimming

It’s too long! It makes my face look fat! It’s not looking right anymore! What am I talking about? It’s that haircut that we all love to get which changes how we feel about ourselves.…

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