Enough With All The Questions

When are you going to get married? When are you going to have a baby? When is baby number two going to get here? Have you ever wondered why people ask these questions that really…

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Refreshing Watermelon Pico de Gallo

What is it about summer time that makes watermelon taste so much better? I mean maybe it’s the fact that they are in season and you can pretty much buy them anywhere,  but I swear…

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Is That Raccoons I Hear?

Is there anything scarier than the sound of something behind your walls? What if that something turned into four somethings and could easily come through your fireplace? Have you ever been sitting in your family…

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General Knot Bow Ties

When I first started this idea, wearing bow ties for 30 days in a row without wearing the same ties, I knew that I needed to go out and buy some more, and even venture out…

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Simple Strawberry Shortcake Trifle

Mother’s Day is happening this Sunday and no woman should have to worry about what to make for dinner that day. Let me help you out and give you the simplest dessert that you can…

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