Raising Modern Gentlemen

Why is it that people are always saying that chivalry is dead? Is it because you never dated a guy that would open your door, pull out your chair, let you (the lady) go first? Maybe…

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Fatherhood Makes Better Employees

Having been a father for two years now I feel like I am starting to learn a lot about myself and my work dynamics. Since becoming a father a lot of things have changed about me…

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Maybe Santa is a Gingerbread Man

Year after year we slave in the kitchen making adorable treats for Santa to eat. We spend hours decorating these sugar cookies with frosting and candies, but have we ever thought about Santa and his…

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Favorite Winter Wear: Child Edition

The snow has finally fallen here in Utah and I am definitely not happy about it. I just hate driving in the snow, the cold and my clothes and shoes getting white all over them…

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Grandparents Gift Guide

I could rattle off gifts for me and my wife for days, but when it comes to our own parents it can be hard to get them something they would actually enjoy. Why is it…

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