The Kale Salad Kick

Kale has never been something that sounded all that great to me. It was too bitter for me and I felt that its only use was for a garnish at buffets. Well, you really can’t…

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The Only Animals I’ll Own

Animals have never really been a thing that I have wanting in my home. I just don’t like hair all over my stuff, my yard and home getting destroyed and the cleanup is basically like…

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Our Favorite Wooden Toys

I am not one to get crazy about the kinds of toys that my child plays with, but I do enjoy finding great quality products that my son enjoys using and is also able to…

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Our Obama Care Experience

Nothing is more important to me than my family and their health. While working at a local company and interning for a PR firm I knew that I had to do something to get healthcare…

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The Perfect New Baby Checklist

After working for a couple different baby stores I am usually the person that all my friends come to when they find out they are having a baby. As a new or returning parent it…

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