From Judging Others to Judging Pageants

Look, I judge people. I love going to the airport, Disneyland, the mall, anywhere and just watching people and judging them. This past weekend though, I was able to put all this judging practice to…

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Upgrading the Oatmeal

Call me crazy, but I love oatmeal cookies. I don’t even care if they have raisins because then that usually means more for me. I decided that I would try a new oatmeal cookie recipe…

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What is it about babies and their need for sounds to put them to sleep? We have used the Sleep Sheep with the weirdest whale noises. Then we tried the glowing bug that has the…

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Must Be Painful

Teething is happening at our home in full force. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have teeth popping through their little gums and not being able to say what they’re feeling.…

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Easter Best

Easter is in the air, which means that Spring is in the air! Best things about spring time and Easter is wearing your bright colors and letting your outfits speak for themselves.  Nothing tells people…

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