Modern Dad Easter Picks

With Easter coming up this Sunday us parents are scrambling to try and find cute little fillers to put in our kids baskets. Well, I have found some cute and unique toys to fill your…

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The Art of Thank You Notes

In the hustle and bustle of modern technology there is one art that is often forgotten, the art of thank you notes. There is something unique about receiving a hand written expression of gratitude that…

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Fat Tuesday

There is nothing better than finding a reason to get friends together for catching up. And what better way to do it then to have food right? Well, my wife is the queen of making…

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Supporting Local

There is nothing I love more than shopping. What’s even better is when I can go to a place that has lots of fun hand crafted products all in one location. Well, I hope that…

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I have been trying to pick up a new TV series because every time I try to start one they do nothing for me. I will watch the first episode or two (if I can…

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