Look Out Summer!

Nothing makes me happier than sandy shores, the smell of sunscreen in the air, and the sound of crashing waves while sipping on a Capri Sun. That time of year is just around the corner…

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Baby Juled – Binky Clip

Time and time again I have lost binkies. I mean, you’d think I would have learned my lesson after the big binky disaster. I have tried different clips, but they get soaking wet from my…

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What the Smell?

I will say, I have changed a diaper before having my own child. Many times when I was doing this I would tend to gag, dry heave, and make gagging sounds from the smell that…

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A Hard Habit to Break

You know those nights when your baby keeps waking up, screaming, and so all you want do is bring them into your room to sleep with you. It doesn’t happen often but when it does…

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One step closer

So I’ve been doing a lot better this past week on this whole no sugar thing. I thought that this was going to be soooo easy, but boy was I wrong. First came the girl…

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