Quick Cleaning Checklist

I have not been myself when it comes to cleaning lately. I have been so busy working that I haven’t had time to figure it out with my schedule.  Usually cleaning is my stress relief…

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A New Day

How do people do it? Work all day, take care of their family, and still find time to go to the gym and stay in shape. This is my new goal for the month: eating…

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Where’s The Changing Pad?

I feel that there is a situation that needs to be addressed, and I am sure you ladies will love this. Why is it, that most of the time, changing stations are only in women’s…

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His and Mine : Sunglasses

There is nothing I love more than when I am out shopping and I come across something that I own in HIS size. I was recently out shopping when I came across these amazingly cute…

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Our Work is Never Done

When you decided that you were going to be a parent you took on the responsibility that you are going to be there for your child anytime they may need you. There are no breaks.…

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