One Stop Christmas Shop 2022

Is it just me or do you get annoyed when there are 9-billion gift guides on someone’s site? Can’t we just put them all in one post? After all, it’s 2022! I’ve got good news!…

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No More FOMO: Making heart healthy lifestyle choices so you can live your best life

Sponsored: Have you ever been close to someone who was living with heart disease or high bad cholesterol (LDL-C)? Growing up, I watched my dad and other family members suffer heart attacks and strokes. Even though I’m adopted, I’ve been…

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Encouraging Imagination

Tips and tricks to encourage imaginative play with children. The joy of imaginative play. There is nothing better than listening to your children use their imaginations. Often our 5 year old will ask “Mom, can…

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A Pirate Mermaid Birthday Party

When you have two kids that have birthday’s a couple weeks apart you bite the bullet and combine their birthday party. That’s why we celebrated Nixon and Olive’s six and fourth birthday’s with a pirate…

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Meet the Modern Family

Introducing my favorite people to my favorite followers. Hello! My name is Jason and I like to think of myself as The Modern Dad. What does that mean? Well, I’m not a regular dad, I’m…

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