Working Away from Home

I hate being away from my family. I know, you would think that everyone would hate that, but you would be surprised by the number of dads that are fine with working away from home.…

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Raising Modern Gentlemen

Why is it that people are always saying that chivalry is dead? Is it because you never dated a guy that would open your door, pull out your chair, let you (the lady) go first? Maybe…

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Stroller Built for Two

When you start having kids there are some big purchases to really think about: crib, car seat and stroller. When we had our son I had to get the BOB stroller because it’s the Cadillac…

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Going Back to the Barbershop

Growing up, my dad would always take me to the barbershop. I still remember it like it was yesterday. We would wait on the red glittery vinyl couch, watch old shows on a small TV and I’d…

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Having Holiday Regrets

Holiday regrets are a real thing: all that over eating you did, thinking you could fit into a size medium by Christmas when really you’re an extra large or maybe you forgot to go to…

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