Best Days Ever

Being that today is our three year anniversary (feels like much longer), I figured I would share a little something special about when we were dating. Unlike most people who seem to chart their relationships…

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No Child Left Behind

The day we welcomed our little girl into our family was one of the greatest moments of my life. I thought to myself, we are going to have so much fun together, but sometimes I…

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Keeping Young with Urth

When it comes to shaving, if you’re not doing all the right things, you can quickly look more like Freddy Krueger and not Ryan Reynolds. But what is the secret to getting a good shave and…

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Favorite Swaddles that Stretch

When we had our first child swaddling was all the rave to keep your child calm and bundled up. We had a dozen muslin Aden and Anais swaddles because they were breathable and basically the…

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Spooky Strawberry Ghosts

Can you believe that tomorrow is October already? How is it that this year has flown by already? I feel like having kids makes time go by way faster than it ever did when I…

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