Mini Chicken Pot Pies

Sometimes it’s impossible to have dinner ready for the family, but to make something our son will like too makes meals even harder. He loves pot pies, but when I pull those out of their…

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Dolling Her Up

Growing up I had an aunt that had a major doll obsession. She had a collection that couldn’t be topped, from every single Barbie to dolls from every country around the world. I was really…

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Grandparents Gift Guide

I could rattle off gifts for me and my wife for days, but when it comes to our own parents it can be hard to get them something they would actually enjoy. Why is it…

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Family Always Comes First

Blogging has been such a fun way for me to talk about the things that I love: baby products, recipes and experiences I’ve had as a father. But what really matters most to me is…

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Have You Been to the Ballet?

Growing up, my parents loved taking us to different cultural events making sure we saw everything out there and establishing a love for the arts. I remember going to an opera at a young age and…

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