Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One

Carl Sagan once said, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” I feel like if a child’s imagination isn’t being exercised then we are doing something wrong as parents. How do you as a parent help your child exercise their imagination?

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadWe have seen them all over, the teepee craze that is sweeping our children’s play rooms. Tnees Tpees has been on my radar since they began and I knew that once my kids were a little bigger that it was time to cave and jump on the teepee bandwagon. How grateful that I am!

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadRemember the days of tearing all the cushions off the couch and making forts in the basement? The days when kids had an imagination and didn’t need to sit in front of a TV screen or iPad to be entertained? Tnees Tpees has brought back those days for my kids.

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadWhen I see a product that I know will entertain my child’s amazingly wild imagination I know that it’s a must have. What’s wrong with buying item that will increase my child’s imagination? Nothing. I know, I could probably make my own, but it’s so much easier to buy one. Especially when you see the quality and thought that went into each Tpee.

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadThe other day I was in the kitchen when I heard my kids, laughing. I went back to their room to see them playing together, with their stuffed animals and their Tpee. Watching your kids as they enjoy being together is priceless and when you can get something they will both enjoy together it’s an added bonus.

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadOne hang up I had, when they aren’t playing with this, where am I supposed to put it? I love that it can breakdown easy. I can put it in their closet or under a bed. Honestly, they created something that will be perfect for every child’s imagination to run free. Plus, there aren’t a lot of parts. It’s super easy to put up and take down, making clean-up simple.

Tnees Tpees | Fun and Imagination in One by The Modern DadAt the end of the day, it’s all about making sure your kids are entertaining themselves. We love our Tpee and would recommend it to anyone wanting to enjoy the sound of their children using their imagination.

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